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Autumn Days Lg Bouquet 12711


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So so excited to be selling these gorgeous flower bouquets!  Made up by the Oopsy Team in different colour variations, they display beautifully in a vase and last!  Give as a gift for a special occasion or just to bring a smile to someone's face.

This bouquet named 'Autumn Days' is one of our larger bouquets and includes a mixture of carefully selected natural and dyed dried flowers of deep red and pinks that compliment one another, including statice, wheat and phalaris.

It is then wrapped in brown paper and tied with jute string to give a vintage 'old fashioned' vibe.  You can then choose a FREE wooden heart which we will attach to your bouquet to make it extra special (see below for choice).

Ideal for home decor purchases and gifting, ideal for Mother's Day, birthday, condolance.


Our dried flowers keep for months and even years, simply store away from heat, moisture and direct light.

NB: Item will differ slightly from the example picture.  Dried flowers are delicate.

Please choose phrasing for wooden heart from the dropdown list above.

NB: Does not include Vase but you can purchase this separetly! VIEW our vases etc

VIEW Our Whole Daisy Dried Flower Range

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